Awakening: Korona still causes a lot of absences Employers and applicants do not face

Awakening Korona still causes a lot of absences Employers and

We will tell you the news and topics of the day quickly.

Korona still causes a lot of absenteeism

The level of requirements for job seekers may be too high

Jobseekers sometimes need unrealistically hard skills in job advertisements. It can cause problems in meeting vacancies and job seekers. There are now an exceptional number of job vacancies across the country, and many employers are having difficulty recruiting. Should employers, in some cases, instead of looking for a superhuman, hire a person with a slightly lower level of skills and experience and train him or her to be the top player in the future?

Analysis: What concessions can the United States make to Turkey?

President Sauli Niinistö is visiting Washington today for the second time in just three months. This time, the Swedish Prime Minister will also be present Magdalena Andersson. The visit is overshadowed by Turkey’s intentions to prevent Finland and Sweden from joining NATO. ‘s U.S. correspondent Iida Tikan the analysis considers whether the United States can resolve the situation by offering Turkey something that would reverse its position.

The weather is clear

Today the weather is clear almost all over the country. In the south and west, temperatures rise between 12 and 20 degrees. In the east and north, there is a cold northward air flow and temperatures are just under ten degrees.
