Awakening: In therapy, money matters | Hitler came to power 90 years ago

Awakening In therapy money matters Hitler came to power
The main news of the morning:

The psychotherapy system favors the good – non-fiction writer Sanna-Kaisa Hongisto got into therapy and realized its injustice

Hitler came to power in Germany 90 years ago and Benjamin Speth, 17, always remembers it – ‘Patriotism is wrong for us’

Videos of the beating of Tire Nichols, who died at the hands of the police, were released in the United States

A long prison sentence in the United States for the person who participated in the Congress building riot

In East Jerusalem, at least seven people were killed in an attack by a gunman near a synagogue, Israeli police “neutralized” the attacker

Snow showers spread from the west

Snowfall will spread to Western Lapland in the morning. In the afternoon, it will snow in the area from the northern part of Varsinais-Finland to the eastern part of Northeast Finland. Snow accumulations will mostly be quite small, but the Oulu region can get 5 centimeters of snow. During the day and evening, the snow showers move eastward across Finland, and the weather clears up from the west in the rear of the rain zone.

Read more on ‘s weather pages.
