Awakening: Hundreds of summer workers contact trade unions | The EU now buys gas from different parts of the world

Awakening Hundreds of summer workers contact trade unions The

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Hundreds of summer workers contact trade unions

This summer, trade unions have received hundreds of contacts from young people asking for help and advice on problems that have arisen during summer jobs. The questions concern, for example, a fixed-term employment contract, salary and whether the employer can cancel the agreed work shift.

Finding things out is often complicated by the fact that no written employment contract has been concluded with the young person. PAM’s Pirkanmaa regional manager Elisa Penders says that some employers fog young people on purpose.

Where is the alternative to Russian natural gas?

Europe is currently trying to get rid of Russian energy – but where would a replacement be found? President of the EU Commission Ursula von der Leyen has visited several non-EU countries in the summer to hammer out new energy contracts.

Especially when it comes to natural gas, the EU is in a hurry, and now many EU member states are also trying to negotiate new supply contracts themselves.

Excessive forest cover increases the risk of forest damage

In recent decades, forest owners have planted spruce in their logging holes so much that Finland has started to become too spruced up. The share of spruce in forestry has increased, especially in southern and central Finland.

– As the climate warms, long periods of drought will become more common, which especially exposes the groves to pests, such as bookworms, the forest expert, head of the service area, highlights the risks Kalle Old House forest expert company from Tapio.

Heavy rains and thunder in the west and north

A weather front will bring heavy rain and thunder to the western and northern parts of the country on Friday. In some places, it can rain several tens of millimeters of water. In the east and south, it is cold and hot.
