Awakening: Häkkänen promises a few tanks to Ukraine | New cancer screenings | To Munkkivuori Venloja

Awakening Hakkanen promises a few tanks to Ukraine New
The main news of the morning:

Finland could send a few Leopard tanks to Ukraine, says Antti Häkkänen

This man prevents the sale of fighter jets essential for Finland’s NATO membership to Turkey, and Biden does not dare to defy him

Stockholm police declared a state of emergency due to numerous acts of violence

To whom are cancer screenings offered and how often will screening invitations come in the future? Changes are expected

The Munkkivuori drama series grabbed the most Golden Venlo, the audience’s favorite was Ylen Puoli seven

Saturday is a day of pooja

The weather will clear up and get colder for the weekend. The temperature stays on the freezing side all the way to the south. The cold is strongest in the clear areas of the north. Read more on ‘s weather pages.
