Awakening: Firings in Kiev continued at night Young people see a bright future

Awakening Firings in Kiev continued at night Young people see

We will tell you the news and topics of the day quickly.

The firing on Kiev continued at night

Russian troops have continued to fire on the Ukrainian capital, Kiev, overnight. Broadcasting Company According to the BBC (switching to another service) the sounds of powerful explosions have been carried from the suburbs of the city. According to media reports, air alarm sirens have sounded overnight in Kiev, at least in the city of Lviv.

The Russian invasion changed the lives of a lighthouse teacher and a Kiev journalist

A large proportion of young people see the future bright

Most Finnish young people and young adults, as many as 80 per cent, see their own and Finland’s future as bright. This is evident from the latest Youth Barometer 2021 survey. On the other hand, the future of the world does not look as good to young people.

The war in Ukraine has raised concerns among people with intellectual disabilities

Russia’s attack on Ukraine has raised concerns about its own situation in many, including many people with intellectual disabilities. Evacuation of special groups would be challenging, but there is also a plan for crisis situations in Finland.

The days continue to be sunny and the nights cold

On Wednesday, the weather is sunny and rainy in most of Finland. The temperature rises widely between 5 and 10 degrees Celsius in the southern and central part of the country, and between -2 and +3 degrees Celsius in Lapland. In the most cloudy areas, the temperature stays cold. In the evening the temperature drops rapidly and at night there is frost all over the country.
