Awakening: Finland ‘s ambassador to the United States sees danger for years Strong upward pressure on condominiums

Awakening Finland s ambassador to the United States sees danger

We will tell you the news and topics of the day quickly.

7.5. 08:14 • Updated 7.5. 08:21

Ambassador Mikko Hautala: Finland is now living in danger for years

The time for Finland’s NATO solution is at hand. A long-serving diplomat in Kiev and Moscow who is currently working as Finland’s Ambassador to the United States Mikko Hautala considers Russia’s pressure on Finland likely. According to him, Finland is prepared for even the worst and is preparing for more.

Municipalities suffer from high turnover of leaders

Municipal leaders are leaving office sooner than before. For many, the mayor’s wash is a springboard for the private sector. For example, in recent years, Kesko has hired three former mayors as its regional directors. According to the Association of Finnish Municipalities, increased work pressure is also the reason for the high turnover. For the municipality, rapid turnover is an image disadvantage, and finding a new leader eats up time and money.

Exceptionally strong upward pressure on condominiums

Analysis: The U.S. Supreme Court is already undermining faith in democracy

The twist on the right to abortion is eroding citizens ’faith in the foundations of democracy in the United States. The expected decision of the Supreme Court to bring the deadlock of the US democracy to the center of attention, writes ‘s US correspondent Iida Tikka.

The weather is getting cooler

During Saturday, the weather front with its rain will move east over Finland and at the same time cooler air will flow to us from the northwest. In southern Finland, a maximum of about ten degrees Celsius is reached.
