Awakening: Finland on the way to electricity self-sufficiency | Restraining order blackmail

Awakening Finland on the way to electricity self sufficiency Restraining

We tell the news and topics of the day quickly.

Lintilä: Finland will be self-sufficient in electricity within a year or two

Minister of Economic Affairs Mika Lintilä (central) estimates that if the triple reactor at the Olkiluoto nuclear power plant operates as planned after the turn of the year, Finland will take a step towards electricity self-sufficiency. He also estimates that Finland will be completely self-sufficient in electricity within a year or two. Mika Lintilä is Ykkösaamu’s guest on TV1 and Radio 1 from 10.05 am.

The person ordered to have a restraining order may get a collar on their leg next year

The government will shortly issue a bill on strengthening the restraining order. There may be an ankle bracelet for those who break the ban, which would alert the victim when approaching. In addition, applying for a restraining order would become free of charge in all situations.

The new king affects the everyday life of the British

The change of the queen to the king affects countless things in the British street scene and in the everyday life of the inhabitants. King Charles also has his own say in the changes.

The bridge dispute says a lot about Sweden, which is going through an election battle

Located on the northeastern edge of Stockholm, the bridge should connect the immigrant-dominated Rinkeby and the new Stora Ursvik residential area. Now the Swedish Democrats have proposed that the bridge, which cost millions, be demolished, so that Rinkeby’s problems do not lower the prices of new apartments.

Scientists listed 15 dangers that threaten the seas

Mining of lithium from the depths of the oceans, overfishing of deep-sea species and the unexpected effects of wildfires on the seas. These are some of the questions that experts say we should address now. A group of researchers led by the University of Cambridge compiled a 15-point list of threats to marine and coastal biodiversity.

The weather is dusty

High pressure keeps the weather muddy. Today, Saturday, the sun will most likely shine in the south. There may be a few showers in the north. You can read more about the weather on ‘s weather pages.
