Awakening: EU countries agree on oil sanctions | The economist is proposing additional pay rises

Awakening EU countries agree on oil sanctions The economist

We will tell you the news and topics of the day quickly.

EU leaders agree on partial ban on oil imports

EU leaders have agreed on sanctions on oil imports from Russia. The ban applies to all crude oil and refined oil transported by sea.

STTK’s chief economist is proposing additional wage increases due to soaring inflation

Chief Economist of STTK, an organization of civil servants Patrizio Lainà says maintaining wage earners’ purchasing power would require wage increases of 5 percent. According to Lainà, the situation of wage earners is bad unless wages are upwards. Lainà would welcome additional salary increases.

The local nurse who left the three-shift job is one of tens of thousands of shift workers

Already two-thirds of vocational school students are over 20 years old. According to experts, the need for training will only increase in the coming years, as working life is undergoing the most drastic change since industrialization.

A large proportion of adult students are changers. A resident of Saarijärvi Jaana Mäntynen left the community nurse for a three-shift job and studied to be an apartment renovator. Mäntynen has already resigned from his old job and got a new one from a furniture company.

Rain is spreading to Finland from the south

Today, low pressure and rain are arriving in Finland from the south. On the south coast it rains already in the morning, in the afternoon rain or deaf in many places in the southern and central parts of the country. The north is mostly sunny and even sunny.
