Awakening: ECB meets in Amsterdam New jobs in sight in Kemi

Awakening ECB meets in Amsterdam New jobs in sight in

We will tell you the news and topics of the day quickly.

The first ECB rate hike is expected to come in July

The European Central Bank (ECB) is pushing down its old securities purchase program, but new debt support is already being planned for debt countries such as Italy. As interest rates rise, some countries will need a package to cope with rising funding. The Governing Council of the ECB shall hold an exceptional meeting in Amsterdam.

Kemi is coping with the closure of the paper mill

About a year ago, Stora Enso stopped producing paper and pulp at its Veitsiluoto mills in Kemi: It meant Tia-Maria Korhoselle and about 550 other people with permanent job losses. Now the majority of them have found a new career. It is also positive that the emptied Veitsiluoto factory area is of interest to a few large players, which would bring up to 500 new jobs.

Behavioral science is looking for ways to increase threat tolerance

One crisis after another is hitting our country the worst since World War II. The Korona and the resulting restrictions, Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and the climate crisis, for example, have raised fear, insecurity and anxiety in people. Finland is seeking shock resistance for long-term aftercare, for example through behavioral science.

Rain and thunderstorms expected

On Thursday, low pressure will keep the weather unstable and there will be rain and thunderstorms in the central part of the country, in Kainuu and Northern Ostrobothnia. In some places there may be plenty of water. In the south and much of Lapland, the weather is sunny and sunny.
