Awakening: Center tree on NATO position | Sanna Marin at Ykkösaam

Awakening Center tree on NATO position Sanna Marin at

We will tell you the news and topics of the day quickly.

The center gathers to work its NATO position in Vaasa

The Center Party Council will meet today and tomorrow in Vaasa. President, Minister of Finance Annika Saarikko seeks authorization from the Party Council for security solutions, including the possibility of NATO membership. will show Saarikko’s speech live at 10 am.

NOW: Russia has already had time to rejoice at the “successful attack” on Kramatorsk

Russia’s military leadership has already rejoiced over the successful missile strike on Kramatorsk, says US The New York Times (switch to another service). Russia spun around and denied the attack when it was found to have caused many civilian casualties. More than 50 civilians were killed in the attack.

According to sources in the BBC, Russia is changing its entire war leadership in Ukraine.

British expert : Threatening its eastern neighbor would only speed up Finland’s accession to NATO

Prime Minister Sanna Marin will be the guest at the first morning

Finland’s security is being strengthened in a changed world. What risks can Finland face if it decides to apply for NATO membership? In his speech to the Finnish Parliament on Friday, the President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyi called for tougher sanctions on Russia. What sanctions is Finland prepared for? The Prime Minister will be the guest of Ykkösaam on TV1 and Radio1 at 10.05 Sanna Marin.

The new Director General of the Academy of Finland also received the changes in the world of science caused by the war in Ukraine

The new Director General of the Academy of Finland Paula Eerola estimates that decision-makers understand what research means for the well-being of society. Uncertainty about funding is still constant. According to Eerola, care must be taken to ensure that brain drain is balanced and preferably so that Finland is a net beneficiary in the movement of researchers.

Snow, sleet and water

Today, Saturday, it will snow, sleet and water in northern Finland. In southern and central Finland, rain comes as sleet and water. The day is cloudy. The temperature remains at zero.
