Awak Kuier Wins Italian Main Event – Ragusa Season Culminates in the playoffs

Awak Kuier Wins Italian Main Event Ragusa Season Culminates

Ragusa finished the regular season with five consecutive wins. In the playoffs starting on Tuesday, Lucca will face off.

8.4. 08:52 • Updated 8.4. 09:06

The national player of the basketball team Awak Kuierin the season in the Italian women’s main series has progressed to the playoffs. Ragusa, represented by Kuier, 20, decided to win the regular season from Empoli 95-66 (45-31).

Kuier played just over 23 minutes in the match, threw 12 points, took six rebounds, made two passes and scored two blocks. Kuier won the series with a fight statistic of 2.2 on average.

Ragusa, who finished fifth, finished in the regular season with five wins, and Lucca, who was beaten by Ragusa in the previous encounter in early April, will face off in the playoffs. The first match will be played on Tuesday.

At the end of the Italian season, Kuier leaves for the WNBA to play for the Dallas Wings.
