Avoid Toxic Relationships: 8 Types of Men to Avoid, According to Science

Avoid Toxic Relationships 8 Types of Men to Avoid According

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    When meeting someone new, it is essential to quickly identify the person, in order to avoid getting involved with a potentially toxic person. A scientific study reveals the 8 profiles of men to avoid. Essential to maximize your chances of building a healthy relationship.

    Victims of narcissistic perverts or manipulators will tell you: this type of relationship destroys well-being and mental health. It is therefore essential, in love, to quickly identify toxic profiles that will hurt you, in order to avoid them. A scientific study, published in Nature Humane Behaviordescribes the types of men that are best avoided.

    Control freak men

    In a relationship with a maniac, everything will be under control. While in some ways this can be nice, because he will be attentive to the smallest detail (which is valuable for organizing vacations, for example), it is otherwise a real challenge to live with this type of man. Because they want to be in control of absolutely every aspect of a relationship. You will therefore have to constantly be accountable for your outings, your purchases or even for certain decisions that are your own… So avoid him!

    Perfectionist men

    This type of man wants to achieve an impossible ideal: perfection. Demanding with themselves, they are just as demanding (if not more so) with others and in particular with the women they date. They will therefore be very critical if you do not achieve what they expect of you. The worst thing is that they are incapable of lowering their standards. On the contrary, it is rather the fact that you do not reach their level of requirement that risks upsetting them, at any time.

    (Perverted) narcissistic men

    The narcissist only appreciates himself. When he is in a relationship, he constantly puts his partner down, because he needs to show himself off, by comparison. It is impossible for them to let you shine in society or take more space than them in the relationship… Their inferiority complex pushes perverted narcissists to crush everyone around them.

    Impulsive men

    Anger is a bad advisor. However, this is how impulsive men operate. Very susceptible, they let themselves be invaded by their emotions and can explode at any moment, without you having done anything to justify it. So be careful because this type of relationship is really destructive, from an emotional point of view.

    Men who are afraid of commitment

    This type of man is a waste of time and the problem is that it can take a woman a long time to realize it. The commitment phobic will always find an excuse when you want to introduce him to your loved ones or when you discuss the possibility of moving in together. It is therefore impossible to build a serene relationship and consider moving forward in life. It is better to realize this quickly and turn the page on the relationship immediately.

    Macho men

    In the era of feminism and changing morals, there are still macho men who maintain a toxic masculinity for women. Generally materialistic and possessive, they are also very critical of women’s skills, who should limit themselves to cooking. Appearance also matters a lot to them, as does the image they project to others in general.

    Passive men

    This type of man lets himself live, in the literal sense of the word. Unable to make a decision, they reach the zero degree of investment in the couple. With others, they do not take a position and generally support what the person opposite says, without ever assuming a contrary position. Unbearable, especially if you have the opposite character.

    Jealous men

    Far from being a sign of love, jealousy is on the contrary a real poison within the couple. A jealous spouse will constantly accuse you of wanting to attract the attention of this or that other man. Why? It is in reality their lack of confidence that is expressed.

    They perceive any other individual as a threat to their relationship. In addition, jealous men will likely search your phone or belongings, looking for evidence of imaginary infidelity.

    10 Signs You're in a Toxic Relationship

    Slide: 10 Signs You’re in a Toxic Relationship
