Avocado skin and pit: how to recycle them?

Avocado skin and pit how to recycle them

The avocado is an exotic fruit much appreciated for its soft, melting flesh and rich in fatty acids, but you would not suspect the use of the skin and the pit. What can we do with these two parts of the avocado that regularly go to waste? Anti-gaspi, how to recycle the skin and the core?

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Once the flesh separated from the skin and the nucleus of thelawyertaste it for example in guacamoleand retrieve the waste to transform them and make them useful. How to use the pit and the skin of the avocado? To do what ?

How to recycle avocado skin?

Once the flesh is gently removed from the skin of the avocado, get into the habit of not throwing it away. think about recycling. Here are some possible uses:

As for the peels ofonionthe skins of avocado, color brown, can be used to create natural draperies for fabrics. Skin and nucleus are concerned. Put them in a saucepan filled with water and boil for an hour. The tannins will thus stand out and color the fabric. You will get fabrics that are more or less pink in color, depending on the amount of avocado and the bath time.

Pass pieces of skin on the flesh side on the skin of your face. After 10 minutes of rest, rinse well to find a soft and rehydrated skin. If you have cracks appearing under your feet, rub the avocado skin, flesh side down. Your feet dry will find softness.

  • In a container for warm seedlings

Like manyrecycled objects, the skin of the avocado halves can be used as a container for making seedlings. Make a few holes in the bottom before filling them with special seed compost then place the seeds of flowers, aromatic Where vegetables. Once the young shoots are well developed, you will only have to take the clods of earth and plant them directly in the chosen place.

How to recycle the pit of the avocado?

The kernel is recovered for the germinate and create a new avocado tree. Here’s how:

  • once the avocado has been opened and the flesh removed, clean the pit with lukewarm water to remove any remaining residue;
  • gently remove the brown skin;
  • place the core in a damp paper towel or directly in a glass of water;
  • spot a small split with white roots sticking out after two to three weeks;
  • keep it in water or place the one kept in the paper on a glass of water to soak the open part;
  • once the green stem has grown, you can plant the pit in a pot filled with soil or cultivate it soaked in water.

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