Avignon Festival 2022: a poster deemed “controversial”, why?

Avignon Festival 2022 a poster deemed controversial why

AVIGNON FESTIVAL. The poster of the famous international festival caused a shower of harsh comments on social networks, deemed “vulgar”, sending back an “unhealthy” message or even causing “the promotion of pedophilia”… The management is appalled and defended the author.

[Mis à jour le 27 avril 2022 à 15h00] While the Festival d’Avignon has lifted the veil on the poster for its 76th edition which will be held from July 7 to 26, the reaction of Internet users has not been long in coming and a petition even asked for his withdrawal, accusing him “of promoting pedophilia and pornography”. If the Afghan feminist artist Kubra Khademi, author of the poster, showed silhouettes of naked young women behind the three symbolic keys of the city of Avignon, Internet users were shocked, seeing an image “vulgar”, “shocking”, delivering an “unhealthy” message.

The delegate director of the Festival d’Avignon, Paul Rodin, saw himself “a little appalled” by these reactions online and defended the 33-year-old Afghan artist, behind the poster: “this young artist was of insane courage in Afghanistan against the Taliban, defending the cause of all women. Her work is even more powerful than all the feminists in the world. This poster is sweet, generous, hospitable, full of hope for the women,” he told the Dauphine Libere.

The organizers also made a point of commenting on the artist’s work in a press release: “Afghan refugee artist in France since 2015, Kubra Khademi has been a feminist whose paintings and performances are informed by the situation in her country. His representations of women do not arise from the desire to show their nudity. They come from the evidence of staging free bodies. These women evolve within mythological stories devolved to men in Afghan culture, or situations that with beauty and humor free themselves from patriarchy.

Avignon Festival director Olivier Py said that “those who see little girls, I send them back to their own fantasies but I think it’s Kubra who drew herself. We see that fundamentalists of all persuasions find themselves always offended by the female body. I have never made a Festival poster that is not controversial”, he added.

The famous Avignon Festival transforms the city of the Popes into a gigantic open stage. A major festival dedicated to contemporary living arts founded in 1947 by Jean Vilar, the Festival d’Avignon offers theater performances every year, but also readings, exhibitions, films and debates. Throughout the city, actors, comedians and musicians take advantage of the Festival d’Avignon to showcase their talents. In this lot of artists, many anonymous, but also big names in entertainment or from other worlds. This 76th edition of the Festival d’Avignon will take place for the last time under the direction of Olivier Py, director of the festival since 2013 who will be replaced by Tiago Rodrigues in 2023. CThis season again, the program of Avignon Off-Festival will reserve you beautiful theatrical surprises and good moments of emotion and laughter !

Reservations are made online for certain performances. In addition, a subscription card is also offered. It can come in handy and cost-effective if you plan to see a lot of exhibits. It offers the following advantages: a 30% reduction at the entrance to OFF performance halls, access to the OFF Village during private parties organized by AF&C, a reduction at the entrance to partner theaters of the OFF festival (in France and abroad) until the following June, a reduction on tickets for the “Avignon Vision” circuit (small train), a reduction at the entrance to certain museums and monuments.

The Festival is in full swing in the City of the Popes from Thursday July 7 to Tuesday July 26, 2021 for the IN. Like every year, 40 IN venues, some of which are on the UNESCO Heritage List, are taken over by actors and actresses from all over the world.

It is possible to book online at official website of the Festival d’Avignon. Create your personal space on the site by clicking on “My Account”, save your details and add your supporting documents (for reduced and specific rates).

Tickets can be purchased and collected at the ticket offices located either at the Festival Boutique daily from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. A telephone number is available at the same times, 04 90 14 14 14.
