Avicenna’s recipe: Mix flaxseed with roasted sesame seeds…

Avicennas recipe Mix flaxseed with roasted sesame seeds

There are solutions for many diseases and complaints in nature. Avicenna, who shared all the medicinal plants and mixtures he found thousands of years ago with humanity, continues to shed light on our day. The book, Hâkim-i Tıb, which includes the healing prescriptions of Ibn-i Sina, recommends natural solutions to many problems.


Although the effects of some nutrients on plant life are not scientifically proven, it is believed to have a positive effect. Some foods increase energy and affect sexual life. In addition to spices that increase libido, such as ginger, bananas, strawberries and hazelnuts are also thought to contribute to sexual life.

Ibn-i Sina recommends 2 foods in his recipe to increase sexual performance. According to the recipe of Ibn Sina; By mixing flaxseed with roasted sesame, you can increase your energy and increase your sexual performance.
