Avengers Directors Make Fun Of Real Reason For Robert Downey Jr.’s Time As Iron Man

Avengers Directors Make Fun Of Real Reason For Robert Downey

Robert Downey Jr. has the Marvel Cinematic Universe left three years ago. In Avengers 4: Endgame, Tony Stark aka Iron Man, who he embodies, sacrifices himself to save the universe in the fight against Thanos. The film was directed by Joe Russo and Anthony Russo, who are now on Netflix.

According to the Russo brothers, Robert Downey Jr. has the easiest job in the Avengers films

The Gray Man is the new action blockbuster from the Ross brothers. In order to promote this, they are both currently giving numerous interviews. Yet they keep coming back to talk about their Avengers movies. They jokingly look back on working with Downey Jr., who had the easiest job, to Vanity Fair.

Specifically, the Russos say:

Some people are just lucky like [Chris] Evans. As soon as he [Captain America-]Putting his helmet on, a stunt double takes over. I believe the real reason why Robert [Downey Jr.] Iron Man played for a decade is because he never had to come on set to do it. As soon [Tony Stark] slips into the Iron Man suit, Robert disappears.

You can watch the trailer for Avengers 4: Endgame here:

Avengers 4: Endgame – Trailer (German) HD

Compared to other Marvel stars, Downey Jr. is actually likely spent less time on set have since Iron Man is flying CGI armor in most of the action scenes. Even the close-ups in the helmet can easily be shot in front of a green screen without involving the other actors.

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