Avdiivka can become a new Bachmut: “A nail in the eye for the Russian side”

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The city of Avdiikva in Ukraine is expected to be surrounded by Russian troops. Several see a development there similar to that which took place in war-torn Bachmut. – The city can be a thorn in the side, because it has been held for so long by the Ukrainian side, says former lieutenant colonel Jörgen Elfving about the Russian motives. In the Ukrainian Bakhmut, some of the most brutal scenes of the war have taken place since the outbreak of war 13 months ago. Now the eyes are directed towards the small town of Avdiivka, which is described as being able to become a new Bachmut. – Russian troops are attacking both from the north and from the south to surround the city and cut off the supply lines, says Jörgen Elfving, former lieutenant colonel. It’s the same tactic that Russia used to bring in Bachmut. Why do you choose to attack Avdiikva right now? – I do not consider Avdiikva to have the same strategic operational value as Bachmut, when it comes to continuing the attack in the western direction, says Jörgen Elfving. Instead, there are other explanations, he believes. As the city can be a “thorn in the side” for the Russian side as the city has been held since 2014-2015 by Ukraine. – You may also have seen the possibility of achieving local success in this area. And a military success is something that is sought from the Russian side, since it has not had one since last summer. There may also be a third motive, says Elfving. – That they want to bind the Ukrainian forces to prevent them from being deployed elsewhere along the front. Watch the former lieutenant colonel draw the progression in the player above.
