Autostrade per l’Italia, third edition of the free master’s degree in engineering and integrated network management

Autostrade per lItalia third edition of the free masters degree

(Finance) – The path started by Highways for Italy for the training and inclusion in the Group of new highly specialized workers, in the name of increasingly innovative and sustainable mobility. Today Autostrade per l’Italia welcomes the 18 young people chosen for the third edition of the II level university master in “Engineering and Integrated Management of Motorway Networks”.

The president of Aspi, Elisabetta Oliveri and the CEO, Roberto Tomasi, were present at the event. Among the audience also the 20 boys of the first edition who finished their journey with the ceremony of “graduation” and the 19 participants of the second edition. New this year was the inclusion of resources across the Group: 2 in Movyon, 2 in Amplia, 1 in Tecne and 13 in Aspi. Also in this edition, as for the others, over 200 applications were received.

“We are at the third edition of the Master – declares the President of ASPI Elizabeth Oliveri – confirming the continuity of the relationship between the company and the universities, in line with the ‘Autostrade del Sapere’ project and, more generally, with the transformation plan strategy. The constant relationship with prestigious Italian technical universities allows the company to access the best skills and to intercept the most deserving young people, thus enriching and expanding the internal know-how. With this and other training initiatives that we have put in place, we confirm our willingness to invest in young people, to win the demanding challenge of increasingly sustainable mobility”.

“Aspi continues to attract talent and train specialized skills, new fundamental resources for carrying forward the country’s infrastructural regeneration plan”, says the CEO of Autostrade per l’Italia, Robert Tomasi: “Companies must keep pace in a constantly evolving job market and to this end, our Group has started important collaborations with the national academic universe. The objective is to strengthen and modernize the network thanks to new technologies and specialized figures who can respond to present and future needs”.

The master, who sees thehiring of all participants from day one, represents one of initiatives flagship within the “Autostrade del Sapere” panorama, the project with which Aspi focuses on the excellence of system university offering training and new jobs for those who have specialized, particularly in STEM disciplines, responding to market requirement. In fact, the master is designed and delivered in partnership with the Politecnico di Milano, the Politecnico di Torino and the PoliMI Graduate School of Management (GSOM), and provides for a 24-month advanced training apprenticeship contract. A training course that gives 18 young graduates the opportunity to join the Group.

The new professionals. The Master aims to strengthen several skills, to the benefit of the entire Aspi Group. In the field Engineering specialized resources are trained in overseeing project management, cost controlling, technical and specialist assistance in the construction and maintenance of the infrastructure; in the field Operations the training envisages the entry into the labor market of personnel dedicated to the supervision of the road network to guarantee the fluidity of operation of the network, monitoring and maintenance of the infrastructures. In the field Digital & ICT, experts are trained in the design of infrastructure operations and maintenance process digitization systems. Finally, in the additional staff areas, such as procurement And Health & Safetya path is proposed in which, thanks to the transversal approach, young talents can quickly enter the position.
