Autostrade per l’Italia, Arces: “supply chain involvement is essential to focus on workplace safety”

Autostrade per lItalia Arces supply chain involvement is essential to

(Telestock) – “Every day and every night thousands of operators work on our infrastructure” he said it Massimiliano Arces, HSE Director of Highways for Italyduring the conference at the Senate “Safety at work: innovation and integration of key areas”.

“The issue of safety at work is absolutely central to us, so much so that it is integrated into the strategy and industrial plan of our Group. New technologies help us prevent accidents and the Group continues to invest in innovation, as we have also seen in the context of the work of this conference. The theme of “cultural” strengthening in the company remains central because behavior continues to be important in prevention. The theme of the supply chain is also fundamental: today in several construction sites Aspi has signed, together with the companies, the “HSE Alliance”: a voluntary agreement that ensures the observation of behaviors in the field and that allows for dialogue with small and medium-sized companies on the virtuous behaviors of workers, as well as on violations. Engaging people on the fieldapplied with continuous rigor and discipline, is crucial in the prevention of accidents at work.

Over the last 4 years, the frequency of accidents at work – involving employees and contractors of the Group – has decreased by more than 70%. The road is still long and the path to excellence passes through learning lessons learned from near misses and from one’s own and others’ experiences. This is why sharing in institutional settings such as what hosted us today is an opportunity not to be missed.

More than 16,000 operators work for the safety of our roads and, in addition to the risks of their professions, we must often also consider the risks related to traffic: this is what we work for also on the responsibility of the motorist and we never miss the opportunity – in events like this and in communication campaigns – to remember that distracted driving and speeding can impact the workers who daily guarantee the efficiency of our roads”, concludes Arces.
