Autostrade, MIT: A1 modernization plan between Barberino and Calenzano approved

G7 transport ministers starting in Milan from 11 to 13

(Finance) – A project is ready 211 million euros for the redevelopment of the stretch Barberino-Calenzano on the highway A1. The Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport, led by Matteo Salvini, has approved the program of interventions to adapt and make the motorway network safe. Once the works are completed, the configuration of the motorway will be significantly improved four lanes in a northerly direction compared to the current two and with a significant benefit for the connections.

The motorway expansion is closely connected with the construction of the gallery Holy Lucia open to traffic in 2022, as part of the more complex adaptation program of the so-called Valico variant. The start of the works is expected within a month and the conclusion by January 2027.
