Autostrade, ART launches fact-finding investigation for user protection

Autostrade ART launches fact finding investigation for user protection

(Finance) – The Transport Regulatory Authority has launched a fact-finding investigationfor the purposes of definition of minimum rightsalso of a compensatory nature, of the motorway users towards dealers and service area managers. The survey aims at protect motorway users on various aspects that have been the subject of reports received by the Authority.

Taking into account the peculiarities of the motorway sector and on the basis of user reports, they have been identified the areas of possible regulatory intervention: informative to users; access to service and rest areas for road hauliers; accessibility and usability of service areas for people with disabilities and reduced mobility (PMR); assistance to motorway users; disservices that affect the quality of the service (construction sites, slowdowns at toll booths and accidents); services of refueling of CNG, LNG and LPG; services of electric vehicle charging; services of electronic toll; treatment of complaints.

Interested parties can propose and send to the Authority, by 6 June 2022, timely observations and any motivated proposals, with reference to the services, identified in the document published on the website ART.
