Autonomy, the Calderoli bill approved in CDM: the process for agreements between the State and the Regions

Autonomy the Calderoli bill approved in CDM the process for

(Finance) – The bill “Provisions for the implementation of the differentiated autonomy of Regions with ordinary statute pursuant to article 116, third paragraph, of the Constitution was unanimously approved by the Council of Ministers, which concluded in the evening “. “This provision – said, according to what is learned, the Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni – demonstrates once again that this government will keep its commitments, consistency with the mandate given by the citizens, for us, is a compass”.

“With the green light in the CDM, the process of the bill for the implementation of differentiated autonomy officially begins, it is a historic day! A necessary reform – commented the Minister for Autonomies, Roberto Calderoli – to renew and modernize Italy, in the name of efficiency, development and responsibility. Italy is a train that can run if there are Regions that are the driving force and others that increase their speed, in a perspective of cohesion. After the Government’s compact ok, we are working together with Regions and local authorities with the aim of making the whole country grow and reduce territorial differences. The existence of Serie A and B citizens is a reality, in which the inequality does not only concern the differences between North and South, but also between different territories: a problem that must be solved and which cannot be attributed to differentiated Autonomy, but it is the result of a centralist management”.

“With the differentiated autonomy, we do not want to divide the country, nor to favor regions that already travel at a different speed compared to the weaker areas of Italy – reads the explanatory report of the draft of the Calderoli bill –. The hope – it is explained – is that everyone will increase speed: both the areas of the country that have autonomy can accelerate and those that can finally grow. To this end, the equalization fund envisaged by article 119, third paragraph, of the Constitution, must also be used by the regions that do not apply for differentiated autonomy. This is how Italy grows”.

The Joint State-Region Commission – “The human, instrumental and financial resources necessary for the Regions to exercise further forms and particular conditions of autonomy are determined by a joint State-Region Commission. The Commission, for the State, includes a representative of the Minister for regional affairs and autonomy, a representative of the Minister of Economy and Finance and a representative for each of the competent administrations and, for the Region, the corresponding regional representatives – as stated in article 5 of the bill on differentiated autonomy -. The agreement continues, the article identifies the methods of financing the functions assigned through sharing of the proceeds of one or more state taxes accrued in the regional territory”.

Regions can transfer administrative functions to Municipalities – “The administrative functions transferred to the Region – reads article 6 of the bill – can be attributed, in compliance with the principle of loyal collaboration, to Municipalities, Provinces and Metropolitan Cities by the same Region, in compliance with article 118 of the Constitution, simultaneously to the related human, instrumental and financial resources”.

Duration of State-Region agreements – “The agreement between the State and the Region on differentiated regional autonomy indicates its duration, in any case not exceeding ten years – reads the bill – On the initiative of the State or the Region concerned, the agreement can be modified. The agreement can be also provide for the cases and methods with which the State or the Region can request the cessation of its effectiveness, which is resolved by law with an absolute majority of the Chambers.At the expiry of the term, the agreement is understood to be renewed for an equal period unless the State or the Region wishes otherwise, expressed at least twelve months before the deadline”.

Rights guaranteed even in Regions without agreements – “Even in the territories of the Regions that do not conclude the agreements on differentiated autonomy, the State, in implementation of article 119, third and fifth paragraphs, of the Constitution, – according to the provisions of article 9 of the bill – promotes the effective exercise of civil and social rights which must be guaranteed by the State, by the regional and local administrations in the exercise of the functions attributable to the essential levels of services or to the fundamental functions referred to in article 117, second paragraph, letters m) and p), of the Constitution, after reconnaissance of the resources that can be allocated for the purpose”.

The process for agreements – With this evening’s green light, the government takes the first step on what promises to be a long journey towards its full implementation. Calderoli has set the goal at the end of the year, at the end of a tortuous path which will involve, on several occasions, the Government, Parliament, the Unified Conference and the Regions. The process is illustrated in article 2 of the bill which defines the procedure for approving the agreements between the State and the Region. The goal is set by Minister Calderoli at the end of the year.
