Automotive, Urso: European industrial policy needed to respond to China and the USA

Bosch Todde goal of safeguarding the occupational perimeter

(Tiper Stock Exchange) – We need a European industrial policy in the automotive industry to respond to Chinese and US manufacturers. This was stated by the Minister for Enterprise and Made in Italy, Adolfo Urso, at the end of the automotive table. “We are fully aware that a European industrial policy is absolutely necessary today more than ever to respond both to the challenge of the great oriental producers of China and India, and above all to the one they have recently put in place in the United States with significant help in subsidies and incentives to their auto industry“, says the minister.

“For this – adds Urso – it is absolutely an agreement is needed in Europe with the other major manufacturing countries, i.e. with France, with Germany, with which Italy must set up together with the Commission an active, proactive policyto allow those who want to invest in our continent to be able to do so, to produce and therefore to create added value and consequently employment, this is what modern times impose on us”.

“The work of the Table – the ministry then explains in a note – have so far contributed to obtaining important results facilitating a constructive comparison between the public decision-maker and the main market and institutional operators, and therefore the minister has undertaken to convene the meetings more frequently and involving all the interested parties in a reciprocal exchange. During the cycle of meetings, attention will also be paid to the trade union parties and to the profiles relating to the workforce”. “The sensitivity of the Government on all the main issues of the sector is very high but we await with interest the contributions of all the players involved who, we are sure , will be able to further enrich the discussion”, concludes Minister Urso.
