Automatically fix your blurry photos with this new Samsung app

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Samsung has just launched a very practical application to automatically correct your blurry photos. This is just one of the many features that this new application called “Galaxy Enhance-X” is capable of.

Samsung relies on artificial intelligence to correct your failed photos. Available as a free download from the Galaxy Store, the app has some great features that go way beyond auto-correcting your blurry photos.

Samsung comes to fix your failed photos

The Korean giant is not at its first attempt when it comes to publishing photographs. The photo editor present on its smartphones, as well as its Expert RAW application, available since version 4.1 of its One UI interface, are all proof that Samsung attaches great importance to photography on its phones.

Today, the company is releasing its Galaxy Enchance-X app on the Galaxy Store. It allows “in one click” to analyze the imperfections on your images and improve them. In the description of the application, we can also read:

“AI-based techniques can be used to repair and improve images stored in the gallery. It is possible to remove unwanted blur and flare, as well as sharpen and increase resolution, improve dynamic range and brighten photos taken in low light conditions. »

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The original photo as well as the modified photo are then saved in the gallery in JPEG format. To take advantage of the application, you will need to have a smartphone running Android 10 or more recent. You can download the app Galaxy Enhance-X directly from the Galaxy Store or download it from APKMirror.

When AI pushes the boundaries of photo editing

If you’re over 30, you’ve seen the days when cameras didn’t offer unlimited opportunities to capture a scene. The advent of smartphones and cheap online storage have made the number of photos it is possible to take almost limitless. For some time now, the last barrier has just fallen: that of modifying photos already taken and considered “failed”.

If it has long been possible to erase objects from a photo thanks to applications, artificial intelligence has made this process almost banal. Recently, Google has enriched its Google Photos application with ever more advanced editing options. Then, the American giant brought new features to its latest smartphones by allowing Pixel 6 to easily erase people and objects from your photos.

Source :

Android Wise
