Auto, Urso: EU transition “is not dogma”

G7 Urso Fully satisfied industry returns to the center of

(Finance) – “We believe the success of the first day of incentives is particularly significant, especially for the electric sector which had a equipment equal to 200 million euros”. The Minister of Mimit, Adolfo Urso, said this at the Automotive Business Summit of Il Sole 24 Ore, explaining that “a large part of the request occurred through dealerships and rental companies. It will make us reflect on the next measures we will have to take to meet the needs of families and reduce emissions.”

On Stellantis: “we have started a discussion on the centrality of Italy and on how to mitigate the effects on the sector of the transition from thermal to electric platforms”. “The discussion was at times close but transparent and responsible and led Stellantis to commit to producing 1 million cars. We must manage the transition together, convinced that the car must remain central”, he concluded.

The Minister also said that “we are working to bring a second player to Italy to produce at least another 400/500 thousand vehicles to arrive, including the million Stellantis, to 1.5 million and make the sector and the entire supply chain sustainable”. “We must remedy the all-Italian anomaly of a single manufacturer capable of producing only a third of the cars registered in Italy. Production must increase at the Stellantis sites and we must introduce a new manufacturer to protect a sector that is a pillar of our economy with over 1.2 million employees count on the work and product produced in our country”, he added

On the transition: “It can’t be a dogma and in Europe it will no longer be the case with the new Commission and the new Parliament. We are determined to chart a different path in Europe on the timing and methods of the transition.”

On rate cuts – They finally started doing it, they should have done it sooner. Perhaps some European countries would not have entered into recession. Fortunately, Italy has avoided recession, it is one of the European countries that is growing the fastest. But if they had cut the interest rate “They should have done it earlier, as expected, we would probably have avoided negative impacts on the European economic system”

On the sidelines of a meeting in Vittorio Veneto (TV), Urso also underlined that “Italy is the country that is growing the most in both GDP and employment, and with the lowest inflation rate among the largest European industrial countries. For the first time we are doing better than France and Germany“.
