Authorities must strengthen safety in train traffic

Authorities must strengthen safety in train traffic

Updated 10:51 | Posted 10:43 am

full screen Infrastructure Minister Andreas Carlson (KD). Archive image. Photo: Magnus Andersson/TT

The Swedish Transport Agency and the Swedish Transport Agency are commissioned by the government to investigate the need for further measures to strengthen safety and security in train and public transport.

– Safety and security in public transport is a very important issue for the government, says Infrastructure and Housing Minister Andreas Carlson at a press conference.

– Within the field of transport, it is a given starting point that travelers should feel safe when traveling by public transport.

On Monday morning, Carlson had a meeting with the management of the Swedish Transport Agency and the Swedish Transport Agency, two authorities where the security level has been high since before.

In July, the government commissioned several authorities to develop and intensify security work against the background of the increased threat picture.

The Swedish Transport Administration and the Swedish Transport Agency are now also tasked with strengthening the protection of rail and public transport together with the actors within the national council for road safety protection.
