Author: earthpressnews
Mysterious Roman board game discovered in Jerusalem
A game with a very geometric look, engraved in the limestone of a Roman gate in Jerusalem, has been questioning archaeologists for nearly 40 years. An expert in board games…
Mathematical game: how many inhabitants are there?
Little math game … Find out how many inhabitants there are in the village. In a town, a third of the inhabitants work in the fields, half of the rest…
Futura is recruiting a Multimedia Journalist for the Space section (astronomy, astrophysics, aeronautics)
Futura dans les Étoiles is looking for its rare gem, a freelance or work-study video journalist (M / F) to animate and engage, on social networks, its beautiful community of…
Is re-infection with coronavirus more severe than the initial infection?
Although it is rare, one can be infected with the coronavirus twice. With this second infection, can the symptoms be as severe as with the first? — Discover Covipod, the…
How have the various confinements and the rise of digital technology changed the habits of young people?
On March 17, 2020, faced with the Covid-19 pandemic, France comes to a standstill, a torpor that lasts far too long for many French people. This economic context has contributed…
Cdiscount: the Windgoo folding electric balance bike at a smashed price thanks to Black Friday
Folding electric bicycles are very practical to be easily transported on public transport, for example. They allow easy movement and are not bulky, they are used in many situations. The…
Heating: a new generation of invisible and economical radiators
Recessed, placed behind a piece of furniture, the baseboard heaters discreetly diffuse a gentle homogeneous heat in the rooms. Developed by Ecomatic, this electric or hot water heating device eliminates…
Indoor plants, a green anti-pollution weapon?
What can you do to improve the air quality in your home? First answer: ventilate! In addition, some plants can absorb pollutants from the air. But what about in real…
Human activity has “broken” one of the fundamental laws of nature
The distribution of biomass in the oceans, which has always followed an unchanging rule, is now broken at the high end of the spectrum. The proof that humans are not…
How to calculate the felt temperature?
Between the temperature displayed on your thermometer and how you feel when you step outside, there is sometimes a big difference. But did you know that there are tables that…