Author: earthpressnews
Summary of More beautiful life from June 13, 2022
MORE BEAUTIFUL LIFE. In the episodes of Plus belle la vie from Monday June 13, 2022, Romain decided not to go to Paris anymore after reading a letter from Fanny.…
Robotics Competition with an award of 132 thousand TL has started; here are the details
TEKNOFEST in the scope of Ministry of Education edited by Robotics Competition started. 13-16 June between Şanlıurfa GAP Arena Sports Hall and the competition held in its Campus, ”Gobeklitepe” It…
the Resident Evil Village multiplayer finally holds its date
Resident Evil Re:Verse will be released on October 28 on Xbox Series S, Xbox Series X, Xbox One, PS5, PS4, Stadia and PC. This is indeed what we learned during…
Credem launches a share buyback program
(Finance) – Credem communicated thelaunch of a share buyback program in execution of the resolution of the Ordinary Shareholders’ Meeting of 28 April 2022. The purpose of the program is…
Of course Zoëy: The most beautiful bird in the Netherlands.
Nieuwersluis – When you hear its name, you quickly think of a kingfisher that this bird is mainly seen on ice, but especially in this warm time they breed and…
Tougher EU rules against tech giants are expected
What the European Commission is expected to present later this week is an updated version of the code of conduct on misinformation for tech companies that was introduced in 2018.…
MP at the top when the parties’ climate policy is examined
A printout from Dagens Nyheter, 2022-06-14 04:38 Article origin address: Updated Yesterday 20:58 Published Yesterday 20:12 Despite the fact that the climate crisis has become clearer since the last…
Trump criticism of congressional inquiry
Former US President Donald Trump is critical of the congressional inquiry into his involvement in the January 6 storm. In a twelve-page document, Trump accuses the House of Representatives committee…
Criticism of Denmark’s pandemic preparedness
The report deals with hospital preparedness before and during the first wave of infection by the coronavirus in the spring of 2020. “The state auditors find it unsatisfactory that the…
Sci-Fi action masterpiece on TV today: Ultra brutal & maximum entertainment
I don’t throw around the term masterpiece lightly, but Starship Troopers by Paul Verhoeven deserves it. The extremely entertaining, bitterly angry and once indexed science fiction film is a masterpiece…