Australian downpours were followed by unprecedented floods | Foreign countries

Australian downpours were followed by unprecedented floods Foreign countries

In the state of Queensland, it has been raining for a whole year.

In the state of Queensland, located in northeastern Australia, heavy rains have been record heavy and caused severe flooding, says the British Broadcasting Corporation BBC.

People have been forced to evacuate their homes due to flooding and more than 10,000 people have been without power in Queensland.

Planes have been stuck on the runway at Cairns Airport due to flooding. In Ingham, an almost three-meter crocodile unexpectedly swam into the home yard with the floods.

Premier of the State of Queensland Steven Miles described to the news agency AFP that the amount of rainfall measured in the area is “unparalleled”.

The floods are predicted to rise to a level not seen since the 1977 hurricane.

According to the BBC, there is currently no information about the dead or missing.

The heavy rain is expected to last for another day.

Queensland has been battered by strong winds and heavy rain since Tropical Cyclone Jasper hit the region’s coast last week.

According to AFP, scientists have warned that climate change will increase the number of natural disasters such as floods and storms.

