Auricular hypertrophy: left, right, what is it?

Auricular hypertrophy left right what is it

Atrial enlargement refers to the increase in volume of the wall of the right or left atria of the heart. This phenomenon can be physiological or favored by certain diseases. Is that bad ? What treatment?

What is auricular hypertrophy?

Atrial enlargement is characterized by an enlargement of the wall of the heart muscle in the right or left atrium. “In cardiology, hypertrophy includes anything that will thicken the walls of the heart. The atrium is the upper chamber of the heart muscle that receives blood. It is composed of muscle tissue which can hypertrophy in certain situations or be physiological, in particular in people who do a lot of sportsays Dr. Claude Kouakam, cardiologist at the Heart Lung Institute of Lille University Hospital.

Left or right atrial hypertrophy?

Left atrial hypertrophy is often related to mitral stenosis. In general, it is associated with left ventricular hypertrophy in left heart disease (arterial hypertension, aortic stenosis, etc.).

Right atrial hypertrophy may follow chronic bronchopneumopathies such as COPD, right heart overloads such as primary or secondary pulmonary arterial hypertension, or tricuspid stenosis.

What are the symptoms of auricular enlargement?

Atrial enlargement is mostly asymptomatic And chance discoveryduring heart ultrasound or chest x-ray performed in a completely different context. However, it can result in symptoms such as:

  • Palpitations
  • an arrhythmia
  • Shortness of breath
  • Chest pain
  • Dizziness
  • Fainting (rare).

What causes auricular enlargement?

Auricular enlargement can be physiological. “This is the case with great athletes because physical activity strengthens and thickens muscle walls. Great athletes often have the walls of the heart a little thicker than normal”, says the cardiologist. Certain diseases can also lead to atrial enlargement, particularly in the case of pathologies that cause increased pressure in the lungs (asthma, COPD) or a increased pressure in the arteries. “In these situations, the heart will work under a “high pressure” regime and as a rule, the walls will hypertrophy to adapt to this high pressure regime. Auricular enlargement can also occur if cardiac overload diseases“, he continues.

What tests to make the diagnosis?

The diagnosis of auricular enlargement is based on an electrocardiogram (ECG), and will be confirmed by a heart ultrasound and eventually an MRI. In some cases, a biological assessment may be prescribed to verify the existence of an infectious disease or a thyroid disease.

What are the consequences and complications of auricular hypertrophy?

The main complication is rhythm disturbances at the atrial level (atrial flutter, atrial tachycardia, atrial fibrillation). But depending on the terrain of occurrence, auricular hypertrophy can be responsible forheart failureand more rarely relatively serious arrhythmias or evensudden death on exertion“, warns Dr. Claude Kouakam.

What treatment to treat auricular hypertrophy?

The treatment of auricular enlargement is that of its cause. For example, a mitral stenosis will be treated according to the stage of gravity by beta blockers or calcium channel blockersOr surgical correction of the obstacle. High blood pressure can be controlled with compliance with hygieno-dietetic measures and the administration of anti-hypertensives. The treatment of COPD is based on bronchodilators.

Thanks to Dr Claude Kouakam, cardiologist at the Heart Lung Institute of Lille University Hospital
