Aurelio Regina confirmed president of Fondimpresa

Aurelio Regina confirmed president of Fondimpresa

(Finance) – Il Board of Directors of Fondimpresa nominated unanimously Aurelio Reginamember of the Confindustria Presidency team, again President of FondimpresaAnd Fulvio Bartolo Vice President. Fondimpresa is the inter-professional fund for continuous training of Confindustria, CGIL, CISL and UIL. It is the most important in Italy and is open to businesses of all sectors and sizes. The main objective is to make training simple and accessible to companies and workers, an indispensable lever for innovation and development.

“Let’s open this up new three-year period with the approval of a pilot warningdedicated to the training of foreign workersin order to promote legal entry flows of these workers and to prevent and combat irregular immigration – declares the President – We believe that this strategic notice can, in part, help to prevent the age-old problem of the mismatch between necessary skills and available on the market, bringing an important and positive corrective to the the country’s labor market“.

Aurelio Regina he is Vice President and shareholder of Manifatture Sigaro Toscano and President of Sisal Spa, of the Defense Tech Group and of SIAS Spa. In 2019 he was appointed Knight of Labor by the President of the Republic Sergio Mattarella. Graduated with honors in Political Science at LUISS in Rome, he has held numerous positions within national and multinational companies. He was the first President of Unindustria. From 2012 to 2014 he was Vice President with responsibility for Economic Development of Confindustria and now Delegate for the Energy Transition and President of the Technical Energy Group of Confindustria. He also holds leading positions in the main Italian and international think tanks.

At the Fulvio Bartolo was appointed Vice-President of the Fund, Uil manager, member of the Campania Partnership table and expert in training and work, who declares “An honor to be able to share the experience gained over years at the service of continuous training for companies and workers”. Directors for the three-year period 2024-2027 they will be: Annamaria Trovò (CISL), Simonetta Ponzi (CGIL), Pierangelo Albini and Luca Businaro (Confindustria).
