Aurélien Pradié, the maverick who wants to create a surprise at the head of LR

Aurelien Pradie the maverick who wants to create a surprise

The deputy of Lot and secretary general of LR, Aurélien Pradié, made it known in the columns of the Figaro that he is a candidate to take over the reins of the traditional right-wing party. A breakthrough candidacy to renew the face of LR and its themes, this is how the ambitious thirty-something presents himself. Activists will vote in December.

A right that speaks of everything and everyone. It is the social right, Xavier Bertrand way, that Aurélien Pradié intends to defend to create surprise in the race for the presidency of the Les Républicains party. To win the elections, LR must talk about security and immigration, but not only.

The deputy of Lot, who made himself known in the National Assembly by raising subjects such as disability or violence against women, wants the right to also exist in terms of education or ecology.


The tempestuous thirty-year-old, secretary general of the party for three years, is also betting that the militants will not want “ not replay yesterday’s matches he says. In short, it would be a symbol of renewal, while the others would be emblems of the old “ boss wars “.

But his rivals start with a head start. The very right deputy of the Alpes-Maritimes, Éric Ciotti, is given favorite. He demonstrated, during the primary, his popularity with LR members. And the challenger, the Vendéen and boss of LR senators, Bruno Retailleau, seduces him, the executives by posing as a unifier.

►Also read: Kick-off of the battle for the presidency of the Les Républicains party
