Audrey Tautou talks about her strong opinion on cosmetic surgery

Audrey Tautou talks about her strong opinion on cosmetic surgery

Is Audrey Tautou ready to go through cosmetic surgery to look younger? The answer in his recent interview, confirming his return after three years of absence.

The adoption of his daughter in Vietnam, his long absence from the cinema, his return to media life, his opinion on the plastic surgery : Audrey Tautou openly opens up in an interview with Vanity Fair.

Cosmetic surgery according to Audrey Tautou

Three years after deserting media life, Audrey Tautou devoted herself to the French edition of the magazine Vanity Fair, in an interview published on October 20. The actress speaks there in particular of the diktat of the eternal beauty undergone by the women. “I would like to look like these women who assume their age, their freedom, to resist this pressure which encourages them to show a young face when they no longer have it. It’s a form of bondage.” she confided. If some succumb to the call of the scalpel, Audrey Tautou does not want to wait to talk about it: “I will not retouch my face, ever. […]To find that an artificially young face is more beautiful than one that looks its age, I don’t understand. Turning into a hybrid woman, I don’t see what it brings to well-being”, pointed out the star.

The one who showed up with her white hair at the AMI fashion show last June also spoke about hair aging, saying “A man with dyed hair, that does not make me dream. Why would one find an ugly one white haired woman ? If you want to dye them, no problem. I did it, I will do it again“.

Audrey Tautou accepts her age

At the age of 46 yearsAudrey Tautou has kept her mischievous face with which we discovered her in the films Venus Beauty and The fabulous destiny of Amelie Poulain. If the passage of time is a subject that worries some stars, the French prefers accept the signs of aging with serenity. In an interview with Current wife, the one who recently became a mother had revealed her relationship to old age. “From an aesthetic point of view, the fight is lost in advance. So it’s better to accept things, she said. His only fear related to the passage of time? This is “the idea of ​​watching the people I love grow old and losing them one day“, had noted the French actress.
