Audrey Fleurot, her unsuspected trick that allows her to stay young and have perfect skin

Audrey Fleurot her unsuspected trick that allows her to stay

Alongside Michael C. Hall (“Dexter”), Audrey Fleurot shines in the hit series Safe on TF1. At 45, the Frenchwoman is still resplendent. His youthful secret? Japanese facial massages.

Every Thursday, we find with pleasure Audrey Fleurot in Safe, the flagship series broadcast on TF1. This is an opportunity for us to discover his favorite treatment, which provides him with perfect skin and radiant youth.

Audrey Fleurot’s anti-aging secret

At the age of 45, Audrey Fleurot still displays smooth, glowing skin without imperfections. If some stars have recourse to cosmetic surgery and other injections to obtain this perfect result, the actress prefers to bet on one of the secrets of Japanese youth: facial massages. His favourite: “the Japanese kobido, which drains, activates acupuncture points and saves ten years! On a set, it’s so much less makeup“, she confessed to Marie Claire. Combining relaxation and anti-ageing action, this hand-made treatment offers a natural lifting thanks to stimulation of cutaneous microcirculation and activation of lymphatic drainage. Results: a plumped face, reduced wrinkles, firmer skin and relaxed features.

What are Audrey Fleurot’s hair secrets?

As she told us in an interview in 2015, Audrey Fleurot particularly appreciates the Leonor Greyl products to take care of her lively hair, much in demand on filming and photo shoots. “I use masks a lot and when I don’t have too much time it’s the Regenerating Cream that pampers my hair in two minutes flat.“To revive the intensity of her natural color, the actress likes repigmenting care of the brand. Enough to display a more intense and brighter red. Among the other products she uses is Volumizing Lotus Mousse.”that really gives body” to her fine hair.

Audrey Fleurot, follower of vegetable coloring to revive her red

While the 45-year-old star is naturally redheaded, she has one major problem: her color fades with age. Her iconic redhead gradually turns to Venetian blond. To regain her original shade, inherited from her two grandfathers, Audrey Fleurot relies on a Logona vegetable coloring as she stated on the site Feminine. Based on henna, fruits, plants and avocado oil, this tone-on-tone dye is renowned for its non-aggressive properties on the hair. The actress has a habit of applying it all alone at home and goes to the salon only from time to time.
