Auditel report, Sassoli De Bianchi (UPA): “Great uncertainty but publicity holds”

Auditel report Sassoli De Bianchi UPA Great uncertainty but publicity

(Finance) – “The fourth Auditel report puts us in front of one situation in great evolutionboth as regards the evolution of the means of communication and as regards advertising investments ” President of the UPA, Lorenzo Sassoli De Bianchiwhich he points out “are complex times of great uncertainty in which, as we well know, raw materials and energy are increasing exponentially and this means that companies are very careful and above all give us poor visibility “.

“We still are confident because the companies are holding onto advertising investments – he adds – and because they consider advertising a strength of their own companies. We will therefore see what happens in the coming months, but thanks to Auditel, today we are able to measure television audiences very precisely “.

Take stock of the impact of this crisis on advertising investments – admits the UPA President – “it is very difficult, because the visibility is poor. Certainly it will affect because then the accounts must return at the end of the year “.

“I don’t think that companies are so short-sighted as to cut advertising investments in a decisive way – he concludes – but certainly there will be attention on the whole complex of investments by companies”.
