Attention to the silent killer of the winter ‘Carbon monoxide: Emergency Medicine Specialist warned: “The first hours are very important”

Attention to the silent killer of the winter Carbon monoxide

In a textile factory in Uşak, 17 workers were taken to hospital for alleged poisoning of carbon monoxide gas, while experts, stoves and natural gas in cold weather, stating that the use of colorless and odorless carbon monoxide poisoning against the poisoning. Başakşehir Çam and Sakura City Hospital Emergency Medicine Specialist. Mehmet Koşargelir gave information about which situations could lead to poisoning and what to do in poisoning. Exp. Dr. Koşargelir said that the houses should be ventilated before going to sleep and warned the citizens.

“We may have a chance to return if we catch it in the early hours”

Headache, weakness, wilt, fatigue, nausea, vomiting symptoms such as carbon monoxide poisoning information about the Emergency Medicine Specialist. Mehmet Koşargelir, “It is possible to call carbon monoxide poisoning as burned gas. Natural gas leakage, natural gas quotations, tube gases, catalytic stoves and leaks from normal stoves and normal stoves are normally lightweight that they accumulate on the ceiling. Therefore, in carbon monoxide poisoning, people who are primarily on top of the level are affected.

First process; First of all, a very good ventilation, opening all windows and doors, moving people to clean areas where we think there is no gas, waiting for 112 after moving. The first hours of poisoning are very important, we may have a chance to return if we catch it in the first hours. The sooner we can catch, the better. We are in the winter period, we are in the period when such natural gas, tube gas, stove were used, please pay attention.

Before going to sleep, let’s take a ventilation of the place where we lie down, let’s make sure that the stove is completely extinguished, the natural gas is closed, the natural leak is much more dangerous. Colorless, odorless, but when the person is affected by oxygen when connected to the cells in the blood is still clear, but no muscle power, the window, the door can not open, can not ask for help, “he said.

“As the influence rate increases, the time of recovery will be very extended”

Speaking about the treatment processes Uzm.Dr. Koşargelir, “We can give up to 100 percent oxygen in the ambulance and emergency service. We give high doses of oxygen, yet we tie the cells that are not bound to the carbon monoxide with oxygen so that oxygen go to the tissues, all our goal is to keep the patient alive. may also be.


Our physicians who work in the emergency room must be awake, this kind of headache, ‘I feel sluggish, my hand, my feet, does not hold’ he comes early in the morning, late at night, if your patients have come to look at the carbon monoxide in the blood, if possible, there are non -invasive methods, if there was no hospital, They should definitely evaluate by looking at blood gas. Not only that life, but also those who bring it can be life -threatening. If we catch the patient, we can save the whole household. When we suspect, when we look at the blood gas, we alarm the whole system, ‘Go to home immediately, call the house, take off the room, empty, even if necessary, even if necessary, close all the valves’ he said.

“We have patients with blood gas, they are surprised”

Expressing that it is useful to control people who live alone at home from time to time. Dr. Koşargelir, “If we suspect that emergency service workers, emergency medical experts are also training for this, our capture rate is quite high. We have not yet caught a patient we have caught in such a further period, but we have patients with blood gas, we report, they are surprised. Is it possible to close the stove, we still get such answers to the stove, the natural gas pipe, the natural gas, is a natural gas. Isn’t there a control?


We breathe easily until 15 percent oxygen in the environment, but why should it fall below 21 percent? When I worked in Samsun, a family warmed up with a stove was warmed with coal before sleeping, of course, coal will burn until the morning. Grandmother was probably highly lying, they brought to the emergency department, we evaluated, we bought blood gas, we saw carbon monoxide. We said, ‘There is a burned gas leak at home’. At that time, the mobile phone is not very common, ‘As soon as someone go to the house to warn the people’ but we said when they went too much, I can never forget them, I never think of me.

Nowadays, access opportunities have developed a lot, and if we cannot reach the house, we have to ask them to do their best to call the neighbors and awaken the house. Some of the vehicles are free from under the car, some give the exhaust outlet from the back of the car, but find any way and exhaust gas enters, and if the person is sleeping, the person will reduce the amount of oxygen inside. That burnt exhaust gas will connect the cells in the blood with the effect of carbon monoxide and reduce oxygen to tissues, “he said.

