Attention! Porn addiction on the rise, causing sexual problems

Attention Porn addiction on the rise causing sexual problems

The habit of watching porn usually begins with adolescence. After puberty, pornographic content that people of all ages easily access causes people to move away from real life. According to the Daily Star, health experts are warning young women that they are ruining their sex lives by watching too much porn. Doctors and therapists claim that women in their 20s get nervous about being naked because they don’t look like porn stars, which causes sexual problems.


Data from PornHub, the UK’s most popular adult website, shows that over a third of its 15 million monthly visitors are women. Some fans, like 29-year-old Kristel Koppers, are finding that watching porn has become an addiction. Kristel Koppers, who lives in the Netherlands, said that watching pornography on the Internet negatively affects her life. She said: ‘Getting close to my wife was not as pleasant as I had hoped. I was constantly comparing every detail of that moment with what I saw online, and the real thing never met my expectations’


“I found it difficult to concentrate on work because I was periodically distracted by flashbacks of sexual images I saw online,” says Kristel Koppers, a recruiter. Another woman, who started watching pornography with her husband, stated that she started engaging in aggressive sex acts to get her husband’s attention. Speaking to The Mail on Sunday, experts warned that the impact of porn is depriving more and more young women of their healthy sex lives.


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Recent studies show that women aged 18 to 24 have sex 20 percent less than women ten years ago. Anastasia Sprout, a psychotherapist specializing in porn addiction, says, “The biggest change we’ve seen in the last few years is that pornography is now considered the norm among teenagers, while it was considered naughty. Women think that if you don’t watch or love porn, there’s something wrong with you.’”

It scares me from sex

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Dr Laura Jarvis says the ‘increasingly extreme’ nature of adult content today scares young women into sex. “Women who watch a lot of porn worry about how their bodies look or perform sexually because they are constantly making comparisons.
