Attention, expert warned! Cold weather may not be the reason you feel cold

Attention expert warned Cold weather may not be the reason

According to data published by the World Health Organization (WHO), COVID-19 has peaked in January every year around the world since 2020. Allergens can also cause persistent cough in cold weather. Doctors state that heart patients should not exert too much effort during the winter months. “No matter how warmly I dress, I’m cold!” Pointing out that there are many people who say this, Doctor Joseph Amban made a game-changing statement.

The expert emphasized that crampy feet or coldness could be a sign of cholesterol and stated that this situation is ignored in cold weather:

“High cholesterol can manifest itself in the feet. For example, a person may feel cramps when moving, but these cramps are relieved with rest. They may feel cold regardless of the season. It does not have to be on two legs. If you notice something like this, I recommend seeking professional clarification immediately.”

Doctor Ambani continued his statements as follows:

“During examination, a person with high cholesterol may have no pulse in their feet and hands. “Perhaps a doctor, with the help of a stethoscope, can notice unusual sounds, ‘murmurs,’ especially in blocked arteries.”

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“High cholesterol can cause xanthelasma, small yellow fatty layers around the eyes. This condition most often affects the upper eyelids and the eye area near the nose. If left unchecked, the problem can impair vision or, in worse cases, cause blindness.”



If you have high cholesterol, it means you have too much of a fatty substance called cholesterol in your blood. If left untreated, it can cause blockages in the blood vessels, in which case it becomes a major concern. It’s usually caused by lifestyle habits such as eating too much fatty food and not getting enough exercise.

