Attempted murder is being investigated in Mjölby | SVT News

The police were initially very tight-lipped about the case, but write on their website that they are working on an investigation of the crime scene, which is cordoned off. There will also be an interrogation to get more clarity on what happened.

Aftonbladet has spoken to a resident who claims to have heard loud bangs during the night. Also readers for Corren have reported the same thing.

Pictures on the newspaper’s website show the type of yellow cones that are often placed after shootings have taken place.

Suspected bullet holes found

– Exactly what happened is not clear and it is so early in the investigation that I cannot go into any details, says police spokesperson Olle Elveroth.

On Saturday afternoon, the police announced that they found what they believe to be bullet holes in a window and a wall.

The police have opened a preliminary investigation into attempted murder and extremely serious weapons offences. The authority still has technicians on site and they are “working broadly”.

Exactly when the events took place is still unclear.
