Attempted murder in residential area – cordoned off

The incident occurred at 02:00 last night in the eastern parts of Vetlanda. Several people raised the alarm about loud bangs.

– Once on site, the constables find an injured person who is awake and able to speak at the time before going to hospital, says police spokesperson Johnny Gustavsson.

Closed indoors and outdoors

The police initially assessed that the man must have received injuries from a “sharp knife”. There is currently no information on the damage situation. He may also have been hit by gunshots, according to police.

– We found him injured, so he doesn’t have to have been hit by shots, but we’ll see that when the investigation continues.

A larger area is now cordoned off both indoors and outdoors. The police will carry out a technical investigation in the morning. They have also spoken to witnesses.

No arrests

There are currently no arrests.

– We are trying to understand what happened. So as far as suspects are concerned, we’ll probably get back to you when we have a slightly clearer picture.
