Attal frees himself from Macron and calls on the French to “choose” him

Attal frees himself from Macron and calls on the French

During a press conference this Thursday, June 20, Prime Minister Gabriel Attal called on the French to “ choose » as head of government in the legislative elections and intends to establish himself in the political landscape of Macronia, despite his disagreement with the choice of dissolution.

4 mins

On January 9, the President of the Republic appointed me. June 30 (date of the first round of the legislative elections, Editor’s note), I would like the French to choose me “, asserted Gabriel Attal in front of the press this Thursday, when he was questioned about the necessity or not of campaigning with the President of the Republic, given the animosity that the latter arouses among voters.

This is the first time in more than 25 years that the French will choose a Prime Minister. Obviously there will be a before and an after (…) in the practice of power, in the balance of institutions », Supported the Prime Minister. All this, in a more general allusion to presidential governance considered very “ vertical », as well as the dissolution which caused turmoil in the presidential camp.

The young Prime Minister has already distanced himself from his mentor by taking the reins of the campaign, in place of the President of the Republic, whose comments are regularly controversial. Officially under pressure from Renaissance party deputies, who asked him again on Wednesday to come and support them in their constituencies. The Prime Minister’s face is now printed everywhere on campaign documents as that of the President arouses rejection, according to elected officials.

Not even six months at the head of government?

The page on Macron and Macronism has been turned. It’s turned because the voters say so », Testifies an outgoing MP who has returned to the campaign. There is such a lack of understanding about the dissolution that, if the current majority were renewed, “ it would almost be a form of cohabitation, as the deputies will come back so unhappy », Estimates the same elected official.

You are not alone and I will be with you until the end of this campaign », promised Gabriel Attal to his candidates gathered at Renaissance headquarters on Wednesday. “ The French need us to hold the rudder and that’s why we must hold “. And as if his troops had to arm themselves with patience, Gabriel Attal repeats that the legislative are a vote for the Prime Minister ” and that’Emmanuel Macron will still be president until 2027, whatever the outcome of the vote.

The dissolution was not good news either for the Prime Minister who, if he is not reappointed to his post, will not even have had time to plant a tree in Matignon, as is tradition. to do so after six months. “ For the ego, it’s always a little complicated “, while the 35-year-old young man “ has ambition », Estimates a member of the majority.

Despite his disagreement with the president’s decision, Gabriel Attal threw himself fully into the campaign, banking on the day after to possibly become the natural candidate of his camp in 2027. In December, Emmanuel Macron greeted his young minister , then in charge of Education, a political leader capable of “ continue the fight “.

At Mont-Valérien on Wednesday, the potential successor rose from the rank of heir to “ little brother “. Emmanuel Macron “ used a child’s term. You know, I am Prime Minister. I aspire to be able to continue to direct the action of the government », swept Gabriel Attal, showing that the president will have to count on him for the future. On condition, however, that you get your fill of a useful vote from the first round, while the majority is threatened by two favorites, the extreme right on the one hand and the left united in the New Popular Front on the other hand.

Read alsoLegislative elections in France: in the North, Gabriel Attal goes on campaign against the “two extremes”

On the Alençon market (Orne) on Thursday, in the wake of his press conference and before yet another media intervention on BFMTV, he called for giving to his camp “ an absolute majority » in the Assembly on July 7, to avoid the paralysis of a relative majority.
