Attal fires red bullets at Le Pen and Bardella – L’Express

Attal fires red bullets at Le Pen and Bardella –

He didn’t mince his words. While he is currently at the Agricultural Show, Prime Minister Gabriel Attal accused, Tuesday February 27, the leaders of the National Rally of being the “stowaways” of the agricultural crisis, pointing out their “inconsistency absolute.”

Marine Le Pen and Jordan Bardella “come to ponder this crisis, to explain that they have all the solutions”, estimated the head of government on RTL. But “in 40 years” of the European Parliament, the RN has “absolutely done nothing, proposed nothing, because there is an absolute inconsistency of the National Rally which votes for the PAC once, against the PAC the next time” , he added.

Reopen “the construction site” of unemployment insurance

Gabriel Attal promised Tuesday to “continue to reform” in order to “reduce our deficits” by saying he was in favor of “reopening the construction site” of unemployment insurance to have “a social model which encourages more activity “.

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“It is obviously a priority to reduce our deficits, to clean up our accounts for future generations (…) Yes, we will continue to reform,” declared the Prime Minister, questioned on RTL on Edouard’s criticisms Philippe in this regard.

The former Prime Minister of Emmanuel Macron’s first five-year term regretted Monday that France “does not reform much”, in an interview with L’Opinion where he is concerned about the state of public finances and calls for consideration of the debt as a “political obsession”.

“Nothing can be excluded in a war”

Prime Minister Gabriel Attal repeated Tuesday on RTL that “we cannot exclude anything in a war” which is taking place “in the heart of Europe” including the sending of ground troops, as Emmanuel Macron mentioned. the day before.

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“There is no consensus today to send ground troops in an official, assumed and endorsed manner. But dynamically, nothing must be excluded. We will do everything necessary to ensure that Russia cannot not win this war”, explained the French president on Monday after an international conference in support of Ukraine in Paris, marking a very clear evolution of his position on the subject.
