“Attacks on press freedom concern us,” deplores a media official

Attacks on press freedom concern us deplores a media official

In Niger, an order from the Ministry of the Interior suspends the activities of the Maison de la Presse and announces that the transitional government set up after the coup d’état of July 26, 2023 will install new administrators at the head of this association . For Ibrahim Harouna, the current president of the Press House, “ we want to put people at the head of this organization who will say nothing, who will remain silent in the face of everything that may happen regarding freedom of the press in our country “.

4 mins

At Niger, an order from the Ministry of the Interior of the transitional government dated January 29 suspends the activities of the Press House. This association, which represents the entire profession of journalists and constitutes a place for exchange, debate and ensures respect for freedom of information in the country, is therefore now prevented from monitoring its activities. The decree announces that the ministry will install new administrators at the head of the association.

For Ibrahim Harouna, president of the Press House, there is nothing that can justify this ban. “ There is nothing, in the entire press release that we issued, there is nothing which shows that we are campaigning to see the departure of this regime which has just been established.he insists at the microphone of Frédéric Garat. But we are concerned about past press freedom attacks happening here in our country. Several journalists have been threatened, there are journalists who have been assaulted here. And it is the responsibility of those in power to protect journalists and protect freedom of expression. »

Read alsoNiger: NGOs Human Rights Watch and Amnesty are concerned about the deterioration of human rights

He pursues : ” We cannot let and watch as press freedom and freedom of speech are violated in our country that prevents journalists from doing our jobs. So, unfortunately, this is the work that they do not want us to do, and they want us to put people at the head of this organization who will not say anything, who will remain silent in the face of anything that may happen regarding freedom of the press in our country. »

Everything that happened in Burkina and Mali is happening in Niger »

For Ibrahim Harouna, this ban is in fact the logical and distressing continuation of the first alerts launched by Reporters Without Borders (RSF) in August 2023: “ It was these concerns that pushed us to support the RSF press release to draw the attention of national and international opinion to freedom of the press and freedom of expression in our country. And unfortunately, the case of Samira Sabou happened: a journalist who was kidnapped for more than a week without any news of her. And so our concern was confirmed, we expected this type of practice, and that is why we issued this press release, to attract the attention of the authorities. But, unfortunately, what needs to happen is happening. And so, our positions are misunderstood here, and that is what led these authorities to make this decision. »

He draws a parallel: “ Everything that happened in Burkina Faso and Mali is what is being done here in Niger. I was in Burkina Faso last year, and we took stock with all the sub-regional organizations of what is happening in these countries, and we are seeing that it is the same reality , everything that has been noted as a violation of freedom of the press and expression is what is happening here in Niger, and it is a real shame for an independent written press. »

Ibrahim Harouna, president of the Press House in Niger

Frédéric Garat

As a reminder, Niger has been led by a military regime since the overthrow of elected president Mohamed Bazoum on July 26, 2023.
