Attack on the Russian airbase Engels – three dead

Attack on the Russian airbase Engels – three dead

Published: Less than 20 min ago

Updated: Just now

On Monday morning, a Ukrainian drone was shot down over the Engels Air Base in Saratov, Russia, reports the Russian news agency Tass.

Three military personnel are said to have died as a result of falling debris.

Several explosions are said to have been heard from Engels Air Base in Russian Saratov during the night, reports say Reuters and refers to information from both Russian and Ukrainian media.

The air base is several hundred kilometers from the Ukrainian border. The Russian news site Baza writes that witnesses state that the aircraft alarm sounded.

full screen Stock image. Bombers at Engels Air Base in Russia, January, 2022. Photo: AP

No civilian infrastructure has been damaged, according to local governor Roman Busargin.

But on Monday morning new information comes that a Ukrainian drone was shot down over the air base, Russian news agencies report with reference to the country’s Ministry of Defense.

As a result of falling debris, three military employees of the airfield’s technical staff have died, writes the Russian news agency Ria.

The alleged attack on the airbase is the second in a month. On December 5, Moscow stated that Ukrainian drones had caused explosions at Engels and another military facility.
