Attack on Jenin Refugee Camp by Israel! The number of dead and injured increased

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According to the news of the Palestinian news agency WAFA, 3 Palestinians lost their lives and 9 people were injured, 2 of them seriously, “in the attack carried out by the occupation forces with an armed unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) in the Jenin Camp”.

According to the information received from eyewitnesses, the raid carried out by the Israeli army on the city and camp of Jenin since night hours with dozens of military vehicles, bulldozers, helicopters and UCAVs is still continuing.

The Israeli army surrounded the Jenin Refugee Camp by attacking the city from many directions.

Clashes broke out between Israeli soldiers and armed Palestinian resistance fighters. Israeli forces intervened with live bullets and intense tear gas against Palestinians who opposed the raids.


Israeli soldiers entered the city of Jenin from different points with dozens of military vehicles and blockaded the Ibn Sina Hospital.

In the statement made by the Palestinian Red Crescent, it was stated that Israeli soldiers raided the Avicenna Hospital in Jenin and detained the ambulance teams of the Palestinian Red Crescent in front of the hospital for about an hour.

The statement stated that Israeli forces detained some medics after forcing them to evacuate the hospital.

Eyewitnesses also said that Israeli forces surrounded the hospital and demanded that the employees leave the hospital immediately, but some doctors on duty refused this request.

Many accounts on social media shared images of Israeli soldiers surrounding the Ibni Sina Hospital, taking out the paramedics working in the emergency room at gunpoint with their hands in the air and detaining many people.

197 Palestinians have lost their lives in attacks by Israeli forces and Jewish settlers in the West Bank and Jerusalem since October 7.

While Israeli forces have been intensively bombing the Gaza Strip since October 7, they have also been detaining Palestinians under various allegations in raids in the occupied West Bank and East Jerusalem.

Source: AA
