Attack from Hezbollah to Israel! “Dozens of missiles were sent”

Attack from Hezbollah to Israel Dozens of missiles were sent

Tensions in the Middle East continue to rise. Tensions between Israel and Hezbollah have recently reached their peak. Most recently, Lebanese Hezbollah announced that dozens of Katyusha missiles had been launched at Israel.


The statement noted that dozens of Katyusha missiles were sent to the settlement in question, and emphasized that the Tsuriel settlement was targeted in response to the Israeli army’s attacks on civilians in Lebanon.

On the other hand, the Israeli army announced that the majority of the 10 or so missiles launched from southern Lebanon towards Israel’s Upper Galilee region were intercepted by air defense systems.

The army said that interceptor missiles were fired by mistake from air defense systems due to a false air target warning around Haifa.

Images of missiles flying through the air and explosions heard in the Galilee region were shared on social media, while images of interceptor missiles flying through the air in the Haifa region were shown on screens.

It was reported that the Israeli army launched an airstrike on a weapons depot in the town of Adlun in the southern Lebanese city of Tyre yesterday, causing powerful explosions in the area and injuring at least three people.This content was published by Doğukan Akbayır
