Atos, the French IT giant saved by an agreement between creditors and banks

the French state to the rescue

A hope of a way out of the crisis for the French IT giant, Atos, since creditors and banks agreed on Sunday, June 30, to take over and save the company themselves. Atos, which has been plunged into chaos for several months and tossed around by takeover offers.

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This is a great relief for this group, which employs some 100,000 people in 69 countries. The situation of the group, once the flagship of French IT, began to deteriorate three years ago, to the point of seeing its market capitalization plummet, to the point of ejecting it from the CAC 40, the flagship index of the Paris Stock Exchange.

The debt has reached the colossal sum of 4.8 billion euros while the share is now worth less than one euro on the stock market. In February a restructuring procedure was initiated.

A few days ago, there was a new setback when the consortium led by Onepoint, the main shareholder of Atos chosen to carry out this takeover, threw in the towel.

Reduced debt and possible candidate for takeover of the group

For the State, the future of Atos has a strong strategic dimension due to its activities, particularly in the field of defense and nuclear power.

The agreement announced on Sunday is therefore more than welcome, it guarantees “ a minimum amount of liquidity of 1.1 billion euros “Until December 31, 2026, the debt will be reduced by 3.1 billion euros.

The future role of Czech billionaire Daniel Kretinsky, a candidate for the takeover of the group, remains unknown. Is he out of the game? Creditors and banks say: not to be closed to the arrival of an industrialist “.

Read alsoWhy French IT giant Atos is desperately seeking a savior
