The nuts is not a shelled fruit like the others. Because it contains a large amount ofpolyunsaturated fatty acidsmainly in the form ofOmega 3. It also contains various antioxidants: phenolic compounds and melatonin, among others. There are also phytosterols, plant analogues to cholesteroland of thearginine. The nut also contains fibre, minerals and trace elements — from manganese essentially and phosphorusfrom magnesiumfrom ironfrom zinc and copper — as well as vitaminsB mainly.
Rich in good fats, walnuts help maintain our cardiovascular health by reducing our rate of cholesterol blood. It also helps us reduce our risk of developing certain cancer. It also has a beneficial effect on our bones and teeth as well as for our immune system and our nervous system.
And if the nut is good to eat, it can also be used for other things. Its oil, in particular, was once used to light houses. It is also used as binder in oil paint. Or as a cosmetic, with the hope of reducing, for example, the appearance of wrinkles.