“Atlantia4Ukraine”, concluded Summer Camp for refugee children and mothers in the capital

Atlantia4Ukraine concluded Summer Camp for refugee children and mothers in

(Finance) – “This summer will remain in the hearts of our children. Thanks to our Italian partners and friends”. Thus the Ukrainian Ambassador to Italy Yaroslav Melnyk that was said “infinitely grateful to our friends of Atlantia Italian institutions and NGOs for their assistance in organizing an assistance and entertainment network for young Ukrainians. Thank you for your support in this difficult time and for the unforgettable moments for our children “.

With the approach of the resumption of the school, in fact, the Summer Camp of Villa Fassini in Rome has come to an end, the summer camp dedicated to Ukrainian refugee mothers and childrenlaunched last June 13 by Sport Senza Frontiere and Atlantia, in collaboration with the Municipality of Rome, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ukrainian Embassy in Italy, the Department of Civil Protection. Over 1200 people of Ukrainian nationality were welcomed, including children and mothers, providing playful, recreational, social assistance and language training activities.

The summer camp that Sport Senza Frontiere organized at Villa Fassini – the note clarifies – is part of JOY, un special project that runs through the summer in various Italian cities, dedicated in particular to children who live in difficult or emergency situations.

Many initiatives have been activated in favor of minors and mothers, including Italian courses, a counter for psychological counseling, dance and yoga courses, as well as 20 different sports activities. A multimedia classroom also allowed several mothers to continue their work remotely, or to keep in touch with family members who remained in Ukraine.
Overall, the Summer Camp involved a team of 111 people, with numerous professional figures, including psychologists and mother tongue medical and nursing staff, cultural mediators, educators and tutors, sports technicians.

“Thanks to our Italian partners, this year the Ukrainian children who were forced to leave their homes due to the war had the opportunity to spend the summer at Villa Fassini in the heart of Rome” underlined the Ukrainian Ambassador in Italy Melnyk. “New acquaintances – he continued – interesting initiatives, a dense program of sports activities in a serene context: this is why the summer of 2022 will remain in the memories of our children. The joy and sincerity of the emotions from having been to Villa Fassini is simply impossible to describe in words! “.

The center was also an opportunity to foster the creation of a network of social relations between the community of Ukrainian refugees in Rome and the territory. In fact, they collaborated on the project Caritas and NGOs such as the Community of Sant’Egidio and Save The Children, together with the active contribution of the workers of some production and industrial realities such as ADR Mobility, Florence Consulting Group, Message, Nynetinine, Ricoh, Vodafone.
