Athletics legend and Olympic silver medalist taking notes during the competition – here are the most interesting superstars of Paavo Nurmi’s competition

Athletics legend and Olympic silver medalist taking notes during the

Sports presents the most interesting foreign names of Paavo Nurmi’s competitions. will broadcast the games live on its channels on Tuesday night.

Turku’s Paavo Nurmi Games have seen several world stars over the years, and this year’s foreign table setting will not disappoint either. We present five interesting names from Tuesday night’s races.

Christian Taylor, 3-Leap (5:50 p.m.)

If you think about the most successful name in the race, the title definitely belongs to the three-jumper Christian Taylor. The athlete, who turns 32 on Sunday, has won everything many times in his career. He is a two-time Olympic champion in the sport. There are as many as four world championships.

The American bouncy miracle only lacks a world record for the sport. At the 2015 World Cup in Beijing, he was just eight cents away Jonathan Edwardsin 18.29 of the 27-year-old ME result. The features of Taylor’s competitor are the sharpest of the best. The man was not seen at the Tokyo Olympics because of the Achilles tendon.

Anderson Peters, spear (7:50 p.m.)

The list of participants in the men’s spear is in the World Cup final category. The most fascinating name of the spear group at the moment is Anderson Peters. The name of Peters, who strived for the top from Grenada, came to the minds of the Finnish spear people at the 2019 World Championships, where he became the world champion in the first finals of his career.

In this year’s Doha Diamond League, the 24-year-old banged the all-time statistic for the fifth time with a top-throw of 93.07. The record was not a single miracle, as a week ago in Hengelo, the Netherlands, the second longest arc of his career was 90.75. As a child, Peters threw stones at the trees, which explains at least part of the good throwing hand.

Britany Anderson, 100m drive (7:42 PM)

The 100-meter fences of the 2019 Joensuu GP Games are best remembered in Finnish Annimari Kortteen From the Finnish record of 12.72 and Reetta Hurskeen from a record of 12.78. The most internationally interesting name for that race was the 18-year-old who won the competition in the 12.71-year-old ME Britany Anderson.

Today, Anderson’s record is as tough as 12.40. He reached eighth at the Tokyo Olympics and fourth at last winter’s World Championships. Anderson, who clocked 12.50 this season, is one of the hottest medal favorites of his kind at the Eugene World Championships.

Kristjan Čeh, puck (at 6.15 pm)

With a population of just over two million, Slovenia is a very tough country in terms of population. The most recent example of this comes from men’s discus throwing. 23 years old Kristjan Čeh threw in the Birmingham Diamond League in March to an all-time high of 71.27.

A guy over two feet tall and reaching is like being created for throwing a puck. The Czechs are even considered Jurgen Schultin 37 years old as a threat to a world record. The Slovene has good memories of Finland, as he crossed the 70-meter limit in Kuortane last midsummer for the first time in his career. Swedish Daniel Ståhl be careful with the young man both in Turku and at the World Championships.

Nicola Olyslagers, height (5:40 p.m.)

Among the athletes who succeeded in the Tokyo Olympics are Australia, among others Nicola Olyslagers, still known last year as the surname McDermott. The 25-year-old high jumper, who was in great shape last summer, improved his record by six cents. The culmination of his career came in Tokyo, where the Australian struck for Olympic silver with a handsome record of 202.

In addition to his tough results, Olyslagers came to mind last year for his different style from other athletes. Olyslager tends to take notes in his personal notebook after each jump.
